5 Easy Ways To Convert Your Kitchen Waste Into Organic Manure

Are you worried about harmful fertilizers and manure? Want to make manures by your efforts or want to make organic manures in your house, then here we are to help to gain some knowledge about how to convert your kitchen waste into organic manure.

Instead of throwing kitchen waste, waste food, and the peal of fruits and vegetables, you can easily convert it into organic compost, manures, or fertilizers.

kitchen waste into organic manure



Composting enables you to reuse leftovers and scraps rather than tossing them in the garbage.

You make organic and nutrient-rich soil amendments that improve soil structure for better aeration and drainage, which greatly affects crop quality.

Compost promotes sustainable gardening practices. Closing the circle and lowering dependency on chemical additions and fertilizers is achieved by recycling food leftovers back into the soil. The more you stop buying expensive fertilizer, the more you can reduce gardening costs. Composting kitchen waste is a hands-on way to learn about the environment and the impact of our daily actions. It is also an excellent opportunity for education, especially for children who learn the importance of recycling and sustainability. Instead of throwing waste and scraps in the bin, you can use these materials in good way and can produce organic fertilizer and manures. Compost promotes sustainable gardening practices..

The more you stop buying expensive fertilizer, the more you can reduce gardening costs.

Composting kitchen waste is a hands-on way to learn about the environment and the impact of our daily actions. It is also an excellent opportunity for education, especially for children who learn the importance of recycling and sustainability.






Whenever we cut vegetables or fruits then some of the parts of fruits and vegetables that are leftover are nonedible parts, so we have to store them in a container and repeat this procedure until the container is filled. After that, if the container is full then use the second one.



The brown material is used to control the moisture content of the wet waste. The brown material is of many types such as cocopeat or dry leaves and sawdust, add all these brown materials into a container, so that it covers the waste properly.



Now, after 2 steps we have to add some microbes for the decomposition. These microbes will help to break the waste into smaller units which are stored in containers.

For this, we have to add some microbes that are earthworms, pre-prepared manure buttermilk, or some type of soil from under the banana trees, etc.


  1. AIRATION IS COMPULSORY For Organic Manure:

Airation is very important for organic manures. Because oxygen is very crucial for aerobic decomposition of the waste. Regularly turning of waste is also done for proper supply of oxygen. Proper aeration can prevent rotting smell from waste. By these processes, you can make smell-free organic manures at home from kitchen waste.


After this dry the manure, and store it for future use. You can utilize this organic manure in your garden, kitchen garden, and other fields as well. This organic manure is a food for your garden.


  1. REGULAR LAYERING For Organic Manure:

You can add kitchen waste constantly in proper layers. Through this process, one can make good organic manures. You can generate organic manure completely in 40-45 days


Organic gardening is an accurate way to protect your garden from external damages, such as harmful fertilizers and manures that destroy your kitchen garden and fruits and vegetables. So here we have mentioned some procedures for creating organic manure from your kitchen waste. This is up to you to choose the best option and which way is a healthy way for your garden.

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  1. How to convert wet waste into manures?

Well, there are several types to convert the kitchen waste into manures, or to convert farm waste into organic manures. There are several methods few are vermicompost bed and kitchen waste organic manures in containers and others. So you have to complete the following process to create the organic manures and after 40-45 days the manure is completely ready for use. You have to give proper time to dry the manure before use.


  1. Is organic manure good for the garden?

Definitely, yes organic manures are very crucial for the garden. Because it is a food for the garden and it work as growth regulators for each and every plant. But yes there are proper ways to put manure in the plants, access to manure can harm the plant so keep in mind that not too much and not less, balanced organic manure will perform their work properly.


  1. How to prepare compost manure at home?

Well, there are several ways to create compost manures, but the simplest way is mentioned above to create organic manures from kitchen waste. Initially, take a big container and add the whole waste of kitchen peel of vegetables and fruits to the container. After that, add some brown material like cocopeat or dry leaves. Next, add some earthworms to the container. Further, aeration is important for the oxygen supply this is for the prevention of smell. In the end, regular layering. These steps can make it easy way to produce manure in house.


  1. What are the five items that should not be compost?
  2. Baked goods
  3. Oils and Gresy food
  4. Pet and Human waste
  5. Weeds
  6. Highly Acidic Foods


  1. What is the best kitchen waste for organic manure?

The best way to make organic manure from kitchen waste is to mix vegetable and fruit peel, coffee grounds and tea leaves in the container. These materials are rich in nutrient and also break down efficiently.

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